Operation: Leftovers

Friday, March 26, 2010

Everyone finds themselves in the situation of having leftovers. What do we do with them. We stack them up and they take up space and remain unused until we forget about them and simply buy more.

Have you been to a hotel lately and have a stock pile of leftover shampoo, conditioner, soap, body watch? Have you been to the dentist and been given samples you didnt like or havent used of toothpaste, toothbrushes and floss? I know you have. I have about 10 flosses unopened from the last visits from my whole family.

You can join us in Operation: Leftovers and and spend no more than just a small package sent by mail to us! Probably wouldnt cost more than $5 bucks and you dont have to buy any items to send even.

Please send any of those unopened and unused items like shampoo, soap, body wash, toothpaste, floss, toothbrushes etc. Clothing is ok as well we can send that on as well!

Hands Helping Humanity
C/O Blake Adams
225 Ellmar Oaks Ct
San Jose, CA 95136

Please send what you can! These supplies will go to different areas impacted by disaster, disease and poverty so please help!


Small Stones March 26, 2010 at 8:42 PM  

This is a GREAT idea, Blake! I am going to look for some things around the house! Do you want me to mail things to you? Let me know! This is so great! You are doing so much to help the Hatian people...THANK YOU!


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