The Future and Consolidation

Saturday, April 24, 2010

As many of us know there are so many ways to help people in all parts of the world and so many groups to help them.  If you stop and search things like hands, hope, humanity, help in any combination it is truly amazing what you will find.

Hands Helping Haitians will hereby be closing in an effort to consolidate the group down into a group already well established.  I would like all of you to join in a cause.  From Habitat for Humanity to Humane Society or the Red Cross.  Get involved and share.  I will make a specific recommendation to you all.  Please help and join the group Sixteen Small Stones you can become a fan on facebook as well to be connected to projects.  The organizers there are personal friends with coviction, determination to help and hearts of gold leaking with love and generosity.  We have worked a lot with them and combining efforts of HHH with them will be so much more influential.

I love and appreciate all the support you all have give us!  Dont let it die out, keep the help, prayers and service coming as we join in to make things stronger!


A Change is Gonna Come

Thursday, April 15, 2010

I dont know if many of you know the song "A Change is Gonna Come".  It is rather soulful and I quite enjoy it.  There is so many ways to reach out to people in all parts of the world.  Haiti still needs help, Africa needs help, Mexico, China, Tibet, and people in your own community need help.  Im not talking about just watching Extreme Makeover Home Edition Sunday evening and crying Im talking about real help.  Helping with hands, items, donations, prayers, volunteering and making a difference.

It is in that spirit and the need for so many things to be done that things are going to change just a little for Hands Helping Haitians (HHH).  I hope to complete these changes by the beginning of May!  Stay tuned and continue to help out as you can.  Leftovers are a great start!


Help and Perspective

Saturday, April 10, 2010

It has been a while since I have writting something on here.  People are still in need and people still need help.  I have been away doing things that many in this world dont get a chance to do.  I am getting to do them by some means that I didnt think would ever happen but it has provided for a lot of perspective for me.  I have seen that we all have extra blessings and things we take for granted that are so common place for us yet people in parts of the world get a different experience.

I may perhaps get a trip to disneyland for longer than most people get to go meanwhile somewhere in the Congo or Uganda a child watched their family die and is now an orphan or a child soldier doing things in "war" that we all think are horrible.

It is a small small world for sure and you can bet that I am bring back with me some "LEFTOVERS" to send in to help some people.  Perhaps it isnt enough but in the words of that ever famous trip to the moon it is "one giant leap for mankind".  Please send and share your leftovers.  It might not be a lot to you but it is a giant leap for mankind for even one single item!  Lets leap!


Operation: Leftovers

Friday, March 26, 2010

Everyone finds themselves in the situation of having leftovers. What do we do with them. We stack them up and they take up space and remain unused until we forget about them and simply buy more.

Have you been to a hotel lately and have a stock pile of leftover shampoo, conditioner, soap, body watch? Have you been to the dentist and been given samples you didnt like or havent used of toothpaste, toothbrushes and floss? I know you have. I have about 10 flosses unopened from the last visits from my whole family.

You can join us in Operation: Leftovers and and spend no more than just a small package sent by mail to us! Probably wouldnt cost more than $5 bucks and you dont have to buy any items to send even.

Please send any of those unopened and unused items like shampoo, soap, body wash, toothpaste, floss, toothbrushes etc. Clothing is ok as well we can send that on as well!

Hands Helping Humanity
C/O Blake Adams
225 Ellmar Oaks Ct
San Jose, CA 95136

Please send what you can! These supplies will go to different areas impacted by disaster, disease and poverty so please help!


One Less Item

Monday, February 15, 2010

I know many of us have already donated and are doing what we can. I do know that so many of us order off the dollar menu weekly if not more often. Try and just get one item less and use that dollar to give to haiti! You can click the link of the right for any amount and put in one dollar! Please do what you can and as always we thank you for any and all donations!


Operation: 100 Families

Friday, February 12, 2010

We would like to also join the efforts of Sixteen Small Stones and other groups to help with Operation: 100 Families! This is to aid two orphanages in Haiti with not only support for their orphans but also for the 100 families living in the parking lots of their churchs and facilities. Read their story

Here is a list of items needed:
Donation List

Rice 25lb
Beans 25lb
Olive Oil
Crackers – Saltine
Sugar 10lb
Flour 25lb
Water - bottled
Corn Flour 25lb
Powdered Juice – lg can
Peanut butter
Ramen Noodles – case
Cereal – lg. bag
Beef\Chicken Bouillon

Personal Care
Hand Towels
Plastic plates
Plastic utensils
Female Sanitation Supplies
Bar Soap
Dish soap – small
Laundry detergent
Body lotion

Medical Supplies
Cough Medicine
Alcohol swabs
Cotton/ Gauze

Household Items
Tent– lightweight, family size
Batteries for flashlights
Duct Tape
Toys for children
XXL Ziplocs
XL Ziplocs

Mailing Address:
Sixteen Small Stones
C/O Breclyn S. Everett
1811 South 1800 East
Salt Lake City, Utah 84108

Please send what you can. If you wish to send a monetary donation rather than something off this list please click the donation buttons on the right as well. All donations are hand delivered to the orphanages and families.


Operation: Love Update

Operation: Love was the effort of a few people who decided to ask people for Valentines to send to orphans in Haiti, China, Uganda, Ghana. At first it was slow in the response but soon we had people telling us they were sending, people from churches giving some, friends and family in may different states and people we didnt even know! They are store bought and even some hand made. We are grateful for every last one!

If you have given THANK YOU so much. If you have yet to give please get them mailed by the end of the month and also leave a comment here or on facebook page telling us you are sending so we can make sure to include them in our shipments.

Thank you again. We are touched by your consideration, time given/sacrifice and care you have taken to make and send these!


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