A Change is Gonna Come

Thursday, April 15, 2010

I dont know if many of you know the song "A Change is Gonna Come".  It is rather soulful and I quite enjoy it.  There is so many ways to reach out to people in all parts of the world.  Haiti still needs help, Africa needs help, Mexico, China, Tibet, and people in your own community need help.  Im not talking about just watching Extreme Makeover Home Edition Sunday evening and crying Im talking about real help.  Helping with hands, items, donations, prayers, volunteering and making a difference.

It is in that spirit and the need for so many things to be done that things are going to change just a little for Hands Helping Haitians (HHH).  I hope to complete these changes by the beginning of May!  Stay tuned and continue to help out as you can.  Leftovers are a great start!


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